

The legal name of ServiCasillero is to offer its customers a physical address for receiving online purchases made in the United States and subsequently shipping the packages to their home or business. ServiCasillero is subject to federal laws and regulations regarding the reception and shipment of cargo at the international level.

By opening an account with ServiCasillero, the customer agrees to comply with the terms of this agreement.

• Declaration of value of your cargo in the clearance request:

The declaration of value in a shipping label is the total responsibility of the customer and releases ServiCasillero from any obligation or claim before the Customs authorities. Please note that the shipping label replaces the commercial invoice when the customer for any reason does not attach it to the clearance request and becomes the value recognized by the Customs authorities for the legal entry procedures into the destination country.

• Extra expenses generated during the provision of the service:

The customer will be responsible for extra Customs fees, taxes, and additional charges such as reprocessing when the declared value in the invoice or declaration of value is lower than estimated by the Colombian authorities, causing an adjustment or change in the nationalization process.


• The shipment of goods from the United States to Colombia must comply with all current national and international Customs regulations. Therefore, the customer declares acceptance of all conditions, restrictions, and other provisions related to the contracted services.

• All merchandise will travel with an international shipping label, and the customer will receive confirmation when their request has been processed.
Within their platform, they must access the option "Queries/Approved Shipments" and verify that the information is correct. If any changes are desired, they must be notified before the shipping label is consolidated on a flight.

• The Customer authorizes ServiCasillero to perform routine inspection procedures on the merchandise required by the US Government authorities, such as the TSA, the Department of Customs, or any other determined by law. These procedures may include opening and verifying contents to ensure that they match the declared information, that the merchandise does not pose any danger to air security, that it complies with Customs regulations, and that it is in good condition.

• The majority of online stores use the courier service through carriers in the United States and its boom lies in the economy of the prices they manage, having so much demand they outsource their service, which causes a package to appear as delivered because they dispatched it through the third party, but it does not mean that it has entered ServiCasillero, do not be impatient, most of the package will be delivered in later days. ServiCasillero will only respond for merchandise that has been scanned at the time of receipt; For this purpose, it will validate the information scanned by ServiCasillero and not the records of local providers.

• ServiCasillero will maintain permanent communication channels with the client such as: by telephone, website, WhatsApp, and email. The use of these means is subject to the minimum standards of participation and group behavior, such as: respect, objectivity, and proper use of language, among others, understanding that ServiCasillero may rule out or block clients with offensive messages, with political or religious advertising, with aggressive information or spam, etc.

• In some cases, additional charges may be generated such as: Pick-up service within the United States, packaging material, surcharge for payment at destination, surcharge for method of payment, administrative costs for merchandise that arrives incorrectly labeled and without a locker number, costs for changes in the consolidation process and any other that arises during the provision of services.

ServiCasillero is not responsible for:

• Storage, classification and conservation of catalogues, advertisements, samples, letters, or written notifications that the client does not expressly indicate that they are sent.

• Costs related to Customs procedures and other costs such as: storage, pre-inspection, inspection, fines, embargoes, partial or final confiscation of goods or any other that is generated during the process of entering the merchandise into the country. In no case will the insurance of the merchandise cover the loss of the property due to confiscation by any entity, such as the DIAN, INVIMA, ICA and the like.

• Loss of packages before arriving at our address, that is, if the client provides incorrect or incomplete information about the destination address or due to the misdirection of the merchandise to our warehouse by the carrier, it will be the client who will assume the costs and extra expenses caused by this error. ServiCasillero will not have any responsibility for the purchase, any inconvenience must be solved by the customer directly with the store, ServiCasillero is responsible from the moment the package enters our facilities.

• Monetary implications that are generated as a result of loss, delay, confiscation by the customs authorities or damage to the documents and/or packages transported, which are sent without commercial value and without insurance, in addition, they cannot be subject to claim for loss or damage.
y/o paquetes transportados, los cuales se envían sin valor comercial y sin seguro, además, no podrán ser objeto de reclamación por pérdida o deterioro.

Losses or damages arising from circumstances beyond its control.
These circumstances include:

• Electrical or magnetic damage to electronic, photographic or data images and recordings on devices or the deletion of the aforementioned elements.

• Damages generated during or because of inspections by Customs officers or Government Representatives.

• Damages generated by outside forces such as: earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, floods, fog, wars, plane crashes, terrorism, riots, embargoes, civil commotion, or union actions, etc.

• Damages or losses under the responsibility of suppliers and/or local transporters.

• Losses argued by the client such as loss of profit, loss of business opportunities or income derived from delay in delivery or loss of a good.
en la entrega o pérdida de un bien.

ServiCasillero has the right to:

• Reserve the right to contract the services of third parties for Customs procedures and for the air and/or land transport of merchandise.

• Reserve the right of admission of its clients and have autonomy for the cancellation of accounts that are abandoned, inactive, that present a history of fraud, that are used for illegal activities, that the client uses to insult or mistreat employees or the company, that contain false information, that are opened with an objective other than the contracted logistics services or that belong to delinquent clients.

• Each client will be able to generate a single mailbox, in the same way, the mailbox is for the exclusive use of the subscriber. ServiCasillero will be able to validate that the records contain real information such as telephone numbers, addresses and that all the information is true and complies with legal regulations. In case of finding inconsistencies or false information, ServiCasillero may request additional information and opt for the definitive cancellation of the subscription.

• Refuse to transport merchandise that does not comply with the conditions indicated by law or in which it is evidenced that the information provided by the client is wrong and does not agree with the content of said merchandise.

• Modify the conditions of this agreement at any time to adapt it to the changes, since the authorities of any of the countries, senders or recipients, constantly make changes in the laws of transport, Customs or any other that is related to the services here offered.

• Generate a charge for warehousing if after 3 months the dispatch has not been requested and if within 5 months the client has not yet communicated, it will be considered as abandoned merchandise.

• Notificar al cliente una vez llegue la mercancía a bodega Bogotá, para que realice el pago en los siguientes 3 días otorgando un plazo máximo de 30 días para la entrega, vencido este plazo se considera mercancía en abandono y Servicarga ya no será responsable por incautaciones de Aduana.

Customer rights:

• Receive timely service and know the status of your cargo at any time.

• Pick up the items that are in your locker at our facilities, if you fully identify yourself or send to a third party with ample and sufficient power for such management. This delivery service will have a cost for administrative withdrawal or in and out procedures.

• Request the shipment of the merchandise to a different address in Colombia than the one initially authorized; In this case, freight costs will be charged, plus an administrative cost.

• You may request the return of the merchandise to the seller in the United States assuming the applicable shipping costs, plus an administrative cost and a withdrawal cost.

This agreement begins to apply from the acceptance of the conditions by the client at the time of registration and will have an unlimited duration as long as one of the parties expresses otherwise. There are no special causes for the termination of this agreement, so both parties can terminate it at any time.

When the Client accepts the terms, he signs a right of pledge in favor of ServiCasillero on the transported goods to guarantee the payment of the contracted services, in this way ServiCasillero may refuse to deliver the goods or even sell them so that with the collection of sales can settle the debts acquired with it in the event of economic breach of this agreement by the client.

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